[HELP] Streets of Rage 2 Title Screen Hacking Questions


New member
Hi. I'm currently experimenting with hacking title screens for Genesis, specifically Streets of Rage 2, so I'm looking for someone with Genesis assembly experience to provide a little guidance. I don't have much Genesis hacking experience, as I've spent the last few summers working with the SNES, but I have some idea of where I need to go.

1) I figure I'd first export the title screen via Pancake 2, but I'm not sure of the offset for the screen. Would anyone be able to help locate and provide this?

2) I'm next going to import that result into SonMapEd and try to figure out the tile mapping. Would anyone be able to help locate and provide the offset for the title screen's palette?

3) Having done this, I'm going to overlay my title screen onto the mapping and try to apply my title screen's palette, then export to .bin and drop that data into expanded rom. How many colors is the title screen limited to, 16 or 256?

4) I may need to add commands to expanded rom to display the title screen, plus re-route original code to that title screen. From portrait editing, I'm wondering if placing this code before the new title screen data will do the trick, [XX][YY][ZZ] being a relative pointer to the new title screen:

33 FC 81 3C 00 C0 00 04 23 FC 94 0E 93 A0 00 C0
00 04 23 FC 96 [YY] 95 [ZZ] 00 C0 00 04 33 FC 97 [XX]
00 C0 00 04 23 FC 60 00 00 81 00 C0 00 04 4E 75

5) With the new title screen in expanded rom, I need to point to it in the original code. Will the original pointer use code 41 F9 00 [AA][BB][CC], where [AA][BB][CC] is that offset I'm looking for in #1?

6) If #5 is yes, do I then change that code to be 4E B9 00 [DD][EE][FF], where [DD][EE][FF] is my offset in expanded rom that has the 33 FC... code per #4 above?

7) I assume the code I need for the pointer is around where the decompression algorithm is, similar to the portraits on the player select screen. Not positive of this though. And I just 4E 71 / NOP that decompression code?

Any questions you can help answer would be a huge help!
I genuinely feel you would have a lot better luck asking for help at a genesis specific forum like maybe sprites mind, or the sonic forums, or of course RHDN, but I think I'll touch on a few points here:

1) if it supports it, sure I suppose. Are you asking about the offset for where the title screen mappings are located in the ROM? If so what I would probably do is find an emulator that can spit out the VDP registers, figure out which layer the title screen is on, what address it's set to in VRAM, dump the ram, select a section of the data in the vram and do a search for those values in ROM. If you're lucky it'll be stored uncompressed in the ROM, maybe.

2) I wouldn't recommend that. Unless it has some sort of "universal genesis game" feature that I'm unaware of, those tools are tailored to the games they are designed for only. As for the palette, if you are able to dump the palette ram, you may have luck looking for that in the ROM too.

3) Genesis tiles are limited to 4bbp so each tile itself is limited to a 16 color palette. The VDP can only store 4 palettes at one time, which limits you to 64 colors at once. Of course there are ways around this, but that would require extensive assembly hacking to pull off.

The rest honestly I can't really answer due to me not really knowing anything about SoR2 to offer any helpful input, but if you're trying to paste machine code, you may want to just post the disassembly instead so we have a better understanding of what you're talking about.
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Thanks for the tips! The hex code comes from a tutorial on how to hack portraits, that tutorial using Pancake 2 to decompress the portrait titles once the offset is entered, and then SonMapEd used to map the tiles so the replacement can mimic it. I was trying to "reverse engineer" it to place a title screen in ROM. I don't have a disassembly, so I was going to do searches in the hex for matching bytes and verify I had the right routine based on the title screen offset being nearby, once I located a title screen offset.

For reference, the tutorial is here:

To my knowledge, the title screen's compressed. Most of the sprites are, as are the portraits.

I used the r57 shell mod for Gens (debugger) and was able to see the title screen in VDP RAM.

Snippit of VDP RAM:

I dumped the RAM and attempted to do a search on a snippit of it in the ROM using HxD. No luck. Tried another. Same. I'm thinking it likely is compressed.

I was able to dump the palette in VDP RAM and match that in the ROM, so I think the title screen palette is at $5D74.

I figured I'd try to use a disassembly with a breakpoint on the $5D74 value to perhaps find the decompression scheme or a table with the title screen offset. The game breaks at $18E6, right before the title screen comes up, so I feel like I'm in the right place. The command at $1836 is move.w (A6)+,D4, where A6 appears to be represented by $5D74. I'm not familiar with 68k assembly, so I'm not sure yet how to interpret it.

Snippit is here, for reference:

In the meantime, I'm trying to set up my hack to put shadows on sprites. It's quite a pain, so I figured in the meantime, if I could, I'd try to see if a new title screen were viable, hence the thread.
Oh, so you're trying to find the the actual location of the tiles themselves.

Well, if they are being uncompressed, what I have found is that usually what most games will do is decompress into a buffer in RAM and then DMA the tiles over to vram, so usually that buffer data is still there in RAM, so what I would do is dump the ram right at the title screen and view the ram dump in a tile editor, and if you find something (like say tile data @ $8000 for example) I would set a write breakpoint at that location and you should, hopefully, find the decompression routine.
Indeed! So I ran a tracelog from the point at which the demo fade out to the point at which the title screen displays. I did some searches on $00:A900 and found this code:

00:5C08  41 F9  LEA     ($00039018),A0           A0=FFFFFC1A A1=001EC160 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFFC D0=000000B8 D1=51B2FFFF D2=00000617 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvc

This appears to be the offset for the screen!

I opened the ROM in Pancake 2, decompressed from that offset and - lo and behold - I was able to drop the resulting .bin into SonMapEd and see the title screen.

Next issue is that the title screen code must be mapping the same tiles more than once, particularly for the "E"s and maybe part of the "S" in "Streets". Likely elsewhere too, but I didn't look into it that far.

The above being the case, if I were to drop my title screen into expanded ROM, I'm not sure yet how to
1) repoint the ROM to it (perhaps via that LEA I wrote above?);
2) create code that will assign the tiles in the proper order; and
3) jump back to the proper code, ignoring the decompression routine

;the $A900 is the address of the tiles when dumping title screen RAM and viewing in TileMolestor
00:5C0E  43 F8  LEA     ($A900),A1               A0=00039018 A1=001EC160 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFFC D0=000000B8 D1=51B2FFFF D2=00000617 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvc
00:5C12  61 00  BSR     #$D4AC [00:30C0]         A0=00039018 A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFFC D0=000000B8 D1=51B2FFFF D2=00000617 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvc
00:30C0  48 E7  MOVEM.L {d0-a7}[e0 20],-(SP)     A0=00039018 A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFF8 D0=000000B8 D1=51B2FFFF D2=00000617 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvc
00:30C4  22 08  MOVE.L  A0,D1                    A0=00039018 A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=000000B8 D1=51B2FFFF D2=00000617 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvc
00:30C6  74 00  MOVEQ   #$00,D2                  A0=00039018 A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=000000B8 D1=00039018 D2=00000617 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:30C8  14 18  MOVE.B  (A0)+,D2                 A0=00039018 A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=000000B8 D1=00039018 D2=00000000 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:30CA  10 18  MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0                 A0=00039019 A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=000000B8 D1=00039018 D2=00000089 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvc
00:30CC  E1 48  LSL.W   #8,D0                    A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000014 D1=00039018 D2=00000089 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:30CE  84 40  OR.W    D0,D2                    A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00001400 D1=00039018 D2=00000089 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:30D0  D4 81  ADD.L   D1,D2                    A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00001400 D1=00039018 D2=00001489 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:30D2  B1 C2  CMPA.L  D2,A0                    A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00001400 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:30D4  67 00  BEQ     #$0080 [00:3156]         A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00001400 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvC
00:30D8  70 00  MOVEQ   #$00,D0                  A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00001400 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xNzvC
00:30DA  10 18  MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0                 A0=0003901A A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000000 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:30DC  08 80  BCLR    #7,D0                    A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000050 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:30E0  66 00  BNE     #$0038 [00:311A]         A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000050 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:30E4  08 80  BCLR    #6,D0                    A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000050 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:30E8  66 00  BNE     #$0018 [00:3102]         A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000010 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:3102  08 80  BCLR    #4,D0                    A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000010 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:3106  67 00  BEQ     #$0006 [00:310E]         A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000000 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:310A  E1 48  LSL.W   #8,D0                    A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000000 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:310C  10 18  MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0                 A0=0003901B A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000000 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:310E  56 40  ADDQ.W  #3,D0                    A0=0003901C A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000037 D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:3110  12 18  MOVE.B  (A0)+,D1                 A0=0003901C A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000003A D1=00039018 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnzvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA900 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000003A D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA901 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000003A D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA901 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000039 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA902 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000039 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA902 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000038 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA903 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000038 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA903 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000037 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA904 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000037 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA904 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000036 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA905 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000036 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA905 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000035 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA906 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000035 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA906 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000034 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA907 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000034 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA907 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000033 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA908 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000033 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA908 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000032 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA909 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000032 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA909 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000031 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90A A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000031 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90A A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000030 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90B A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000030 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90B A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002F D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90C A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002F D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90C A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002E D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90D A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002E D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90D A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002D D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90E A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002D D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90E A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002C D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90F A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002C D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA90F A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002B D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA910 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002B D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA910 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002A D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA911 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=0000002A D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA911 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000029 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA912 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000029 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA912 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000028 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA913 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000028 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA913 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000027 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA914 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000027 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA914 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000026 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA915 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000026 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA915 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000025 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3114  51 C8  DBFa    D0,#$FFFC [01:3112]      A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA916 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000025 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
00:3112  12 C1  MOVE.B  D1,(A1)+                 A0=0003901D A1=FFFFA916 A2=00166A70 A3=FFFFEC80 A4=00C00004 A5=FFFFEE00 A6=FFFFEC80 A7=FFFFFFE8 D0=00000024 D1=00039000 D2=0003A4A1 D3=87D10C3C D4=940D8134 D5=50000083 D6=00000000 D7=0000FFFF xnZvc
Made some great progress today, thanks to a lot of help and guidance. Here's what I have so far:

The offset for the title screen tiles: $39018

The offset for the title screen palette: $5D74

Mapping Values for Plane B for Title Screen: $38B94 to $38FD4 (440 Hex Bytes)
Offset to Plane B Table for Title Screen: $5C2C
Length of Title (hex): $5C39
Height of Title (hex): $5C3B
Y Position of Title (hex): $5C34
X Position of Title (hex): $5C35

Not entirely sure what to do just yet to put all this info together, but good progress so far. I also have a 16 color title screen ready to go once I get a little more guidance re: next steps.
You're welcome. Glad I could help. :p

With genesis plane formats, I don't know too much to really help out, so whoever else is helping you with this might be able to guide you further.
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