hard drive space


New member
i there anything out there to take free space from E: and put it on my C: partition?!?
seriously, I have 2 kbs left

<P ID="signature"></P>
> i there anything out there to take free space from E: and
> put it on my C: partition?!?
> seriously, I have 2 kbs left

It's called re-partitioning. I use Acronis PartitionExpert for things like that.

<P ID="signature"><hr>
"Every gun that is made every warship launched every rocket fired signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed those who are cold and are not clothed"
> i there anything out there to take free space from E: and
> put it on my C: partition?!?
> seriously, I have 2 kbs left

You could, like.. move files from the C partition to your E partition... <img src=smilies/upeyes.gif>

<P ID="signature">
You don't even have to do that. Acronis or Partition Magic will move the data around for you. Just de-frag the drives first.

<P ID="signature"></P>
> >
> You don't even have to do that. Acronis or Partition Magic
> will move the data around for you. Just de-frag the drives
> first.

No, my point was that if he has free space on one drive and none on another, it's the perfect candidate for one of the big things that a GUI can do - dragging and dropping files. <img src=smilies/thumb.gif>

<P ID="signature">
well i thought windows would only take 1 gb so i put 1.5 gb on that partition. well, i was wrong. I save programs on D and my files on E

<P ID="signature"></P>
> well i thought windows would only take 1 gb so i put 1.5 gb
> on that partition. well, i was wrong. I save programs on D
> and my files on E
I have a 60 gb and a 160 gb which are C and D respectively and I got window and all programs on C and music, images, vids, roms, and files to backup to cd on the D drive. You really only need 2 partitions with windows unless you add some flavor of linux or unless your running win 9x on C and XP on D then those other partitions become very useful for most people, but there are exceptions. <img src=smilies/magbiggrin.gif>

<P ID="signature">Well there's one thing that makes the world at least tolerable.
Well maybe toterable as Bozo the fucken clown nailed to a white wall is tolerable.
-Quote from The Ranting Gryphon-
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