Happy birthday thread

Reaper man

Here's an official thread to wish people a happy birthday.

Anyway, Happy birthday to tocsin!

edit: whoops! I didn't realize that one could hide their age from being revealed. I thought it was a bug of sorts. Sorry about that.
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Is a stickied happy birthday thread really necessary? Same with the "introductions" thread. If thread mergers and long-term stickies aren't especially necessary, I think it's better to just avoid them...

Also, happy birthday Tocsin.
Is a stickied happy birthday thread really necessary? Same with the "introductions" thread. If thread mergers and long-term stickies aren't especially necessary, I think it's better to just avoid them...

the introductions thread is necessary, especially right now because the site is reborn and we are getting a lot of newcomers in and having TotT flooded with "hi! I'm new! I've been browsing Zophar since blah blah blah" threads makes the place look bit messy/cluttered. Having it all in one thread avoids this

As for the birthdays thread... eh, I think it's a good idea, for the same reasons as the intro thread. I will admit though that it isn't as needed as the intro thread, but I'll talk it over with the rest of staff and see what they think.
How can one thread where all birthdays are posted are more cluttered than 1001 threads saying "happy birthday X".

Anyways, +1 vote for letting it be as a sticky.
I do not find it messy because the old birthday threads disapear and are forgotten in the abyss of old threads whereas the sticky is always in your face!
I agree; individual threads are also more personal and organized. It's not unusual for a birthday thread around here to turn into a short conversation about something before dying, whereas in a permanent birthday thread such things will probably interfere with the thread's purpose and become confusing.
Arrrgh, alright, alright I'll talk it over with staff once I get done checking the forum.

Jeez, and I thought it was a good idea too. ;/

I just hope that you guys don't complain about my other future sticky thread ideas >.>
I like the idea of a temporarily stickied introductions thread (because of the sudden changes in the community and site), but agree that the stickied birthday thread is too much.
I find it funny that you're all discussing the stickied birthday thread, but no one told MegaManJuno and Soushkin Happy Birthday.
I think some users here have a "thing" with Brad.

I'll vote again to have this as a sticky. Old threads may disappear sure, but imagine we had a user's birthday for each day of the year. Guess how many happy birthdays threads we would have?

Happy Birthday The 9th Sage!
Hope that that meal that you're going to have is special! :P

Here's my gift: [Link] (Work safe, Non offensive. Tinyurl used just not to be spoiled by the url itself).
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Happy Birthday The 9th Sage!
Hope that that meal that you're going to have is special! :P

Here's my gift: [Link] (Work safe, Non offensive. Tinyurl used just not to be spoiled by the url itself).

Hey, thanks....yeah, having dinner with the family is always interesting. :D It's been a pretty good day. And that cake is awesome. Is it actually edible?
Joom said:
<malicious image removed>

...that's it?

You must me new to the internet, so here's a tip for you. Your pathetic attempt at posting is seen at most forums as spam. Either post something relevant or you will be banned, thank you.

EDIT: nevermind, you're banned.
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I was just going to say "neato," but the system informs me I may not make such a brief post. The previous person has only evaded that requirement by using invalid image code, a thing I am far too dignified to do. Foul, I say!
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