Forum suggestions


New member
Where did the custom titles go? I liked being the Princess of Knowledge. I've seen a lot of forums tie that ability to post count, which seemed to work pretty well. Maybe we should be doing that as well.

Also, although it may be more difficult to implement, I was disappointed that we don't get to use HTML in signatures any more. The kelets can't eat anyone's soul without the marquee tag! I know it's non-standard HTML (and I am normally a real stickler for standards compliance) but the only alternatives are JavaScript and a currently experimental CSS3 attribute.
I will enable custom user titles for users with postcount of above 1000. I just have to run now, so I'll do it later

As far as HTML goes, no HTML in sigs or anywhere else on the boards will be allowed ever. There are just too many things a malicious user can do with HTML.

Any particular reason you're running an old version of vBulletin? I know it can be annoying to upgrade, but security exploits can be even more annoying.
When I installed it, this was the newest version :( The idea of upgrading before the site can even be released was just too painful to bear. I'll wait until a new version (3.7.3?) comes out and then I'll upgrade.
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