For the love of Satan can we PLEASE upgrade the board software?

It seems your hopefulness is for naught, FireEmblemGuy... It is now past noon PST and no further instructions have come. Out of curiosity, what sections have y'all volunteered for? I offered to maintain the DS software...
I think I'll have to consider doing more than just the DS software, seeing as how the updates aren't all that frequent. But then again, I doubt it will be that difficult to find others willing to maintain the Win/Dos emulator lists.

On the other hand, I -do- have a functioning Linux machine... Maybe I should dig around what is currently listed and see what I might be interested in adding to my repertoire.
I'm handling anything NES/SNES/Genesis and Game Boy/Color/Advance for Windows, due to me being poor <=(

I do what I can, though.
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