error on website (submitting comment on Util)


New member
every time i try to submit a comment on a Sonic editor that isn't what was described I get a fatal error on the Zophars domain that reads

Fatal error has occoured. The page will not load. An email has been sent to the administration to notify about the problem.
Click here to try refreshing the page
Please try again later.

-------------------------------- Error #256 --------------------------------
FATAL ERROR: Could not execute query - Table 'zophar_site.site_utilities' doesn't exist - Query: SELECT * FROM site_utilities WHERE utilityid = 153
IN FILE: /home/zophar/public_html/class/Core/Database.php
ON LINE: 100
something Edman would have to fix. Edman doesn't give two shits about the site anymore. Said issue won't get fixed.
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