Funniest games


New member
So in your alls opinion, whats the funniest game you ever played/or heard of?
For me it's "Jesus - Kyoufu no Bio Monster" Why? well the fact that the games title says Jesus and Bio Monster leads me to very funny thoughts. I don't know what Kyoufu means, but the fact that it has the name Jesus before it and Bio Monster after leads me to think these 3 things.
Kyoufu could mean: is a, Battles a, or has a.
So the title could be Jesus-Is a Bio Monster. I for one, find this amusing.
One game (well series, really) that stands out to me is the Mario RPG series. They aren't exactly in the same series, but I include Mario RPG, the Paper Mario games, and the Mario and Luigi games in this. I often laugh my butt off playing these games, which is fantastic.

Poor poor Luigi. ;)
like that atari game that every word was "all your base r belonging to us"? yea, a friend of mine told me that weird saying was a japanese song mis-translated, anyone know it thats true.

Isn't the game on Sega Mega Drive/Genesis?
Assuming you mean this one.

That has to be what she means...I can't think of anything else that fits. Also, it was originally an arcade game but the arcade version doesn't have the awesomely mistranslated intro (though IIRC it has some badly translated ending stuff).
omg. I so wanna play that game now. i think after i finish most of my current project I'll work on de-engrishing that game for a bit.
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