Final Fantasy IIj save editing version 0.5 what this document has 1) the locals of the major charicter status iformation (hp, strength, etc.) 2) the hex valuse for all items and saved words 4) invetory locals *NOTE: THERE ARE STILL BUGS IN MANY AREAS OF THIS DOCUMENT, I APPOLOGISE GREATLY FOR THEM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone has important info not in this document, please e-mail it to me at anything about the placement of charicters on the map is wanted ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* *** As long as all items currently in this document are kept, unchanged *** *** you may compy and distruibute this document on your site or in any *** *** other manner you wish. *** ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* NOTE; I'm a nesticle save state NOTE; To make this a little easier, set up your hexidecimal editor to so that the width of the hexidecimal 'lines' (bytes, i.e. two hexdiecimal numerals togeter) 16 then. so the first line migh be something like this ff 1c b0 00 00 48 2a e6 99 12 af 12 c1 36 8c ff After which It would break to another line. CONTENTS: 1) LOCAL OF ITEMS/SPELLS/MONEY 2) LOCAL OF CHARICHTER STATUS INFO 3) LOCAL FOR SKILLS 4) HEX VALUES FOR DIFFERENT ITEMS & SPELLS IN CHARICTERS SPELL LIST --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-- LOCAL OF ITEMS/SPELLS/MONEY line 10 13th and 14th column= MONEY!! ffff= obscene amt of $$ lines 60 and 70= Inventory slots 130, 170, 1B0= magic columns (see magic list) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2)-- LOCAL OF CHARICHTER STATUS INFO lines; 100-130 line= #1's local 140-170 line= #2's local 180-1B0 line= #3's local 1C0-1E0 line= #4's local 100,140, 180 1st column=Miscilanious info 2nd column=Miscilanious info 3rd column=Miscilanious info 4th column=Miscilanious info 5th column=Miscilanious info 6th column=Miscilanious info 7th column=Miscilanious info 8th column=Miscilanious info 9th column=Miscilanious info 10th and 11th column= current hp 11th and 12th column= max hp 13th and 14th column= current mp 15th and 16th column= max mp 110, 150, 190 must each match the first 12 hex charicters of the next line these affect the following stats in order power, agility, vitality, intellegence, and soul. max #is 63 which =99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-- SKILLS 200 char 1 240 char 2 280 char 3 2C0 char 4 1st column- hand skill 2nd column- sheild skill 3rd column- knife skill 4th column- staff skill 5th column- javelin skill 6yh column- sword skill 7th column- axe skill 8th column- bow skill 210 char 1 250 char 2 290 char 3 2D0 char 4 1st column- 1st spell 2nd column- 2nd spell 3rd column- 3rd spell 4th column- 4th spell 5th column- 5th spell 6th column- 6th spell 7th column- 7th spell 8th column- 8th spell --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-- HEX VALUES FOR DIFFERENT ITEMS & SPELLS IN CHARICTERS SPELL LIST 00= 80= flame armor 01= ring 81= ice armor 02= canoe 82= diamond armor 03= pass 83= dragon armor 04= mithril 84= genji armor 05= ice sled 85= copper armor 06= gold bell 86= silver armor 07= egal torch 87= ruby armor 08= sun flame 88= quartz armor 09= pendant 89= diamond armor 0A= egg 8A= white robe 0B= white mask 8B= black robe 0C= black mask 8C= power armor 0D= crystal rod 8D= black armor 0E= hyriuu 8E= leather gauntlet 0F= ??? (thats what the screen says) 8F= bronze guntlet 10= potion 90= mithril guntlet 11= antidot 91= theif guntlet 12= gold needle 92= giant guntlet 13= crucifix 93= ice guntlet 14= maidens kiss 94= diamond guntlet 15= echoscreen 95= genji gauntlet 16= eyedrop 96= defense guntlet 17= phoenix down 97= power gauntlet 18= elixer 98= fire spell 19= ether 99= bolt spell 1A= x-potion 9A= ice spell 1B= cottage 9B= aero spell 1C= windflute 9C= drain spell 1D= earthdrum 9D= aspil spell 1E= garlic 9E= flare spell 1F= unicorn 9F= sleep spell 2O= icewind A0= stone spell 21= elder IQ A1= stop spell 22= heart A2= charm spell 23= shoes A3= blind spell 24= thread A4= curse spell 25= eilentB A5= toad spell 26= eggtimer A6= break spell 27= deathgod A7= death spell 28= bacchus A8= warp spell 29= drgnbean *dragon bean* A9= berserk spell 2A= valium AA= haste spell 2B= icescyth AB= aura spell 2C= fang AC= cure spell 2D= mirror AD= life spell 2E= hellfire AE= peep spell 2F= phin AF= heal spell 30= unarmed B0= barrier spell 31= buckler B1= blink spell 32= bronzer sheild B2= safe spell 33= mithril sheild B3= shell spell 34= gold sheild B4= wall spell 35= ice sheild B5= dispel spell 36= flame sheild B6= mini spell 37= diamond sheild B7= mute spell 38= dragon sheild B8= anti spell 39= ageis sheild B9= fog spell 3A= knife BA= slow spell 3B= dagger BB= change spell 3C= mithril knife BC= fear spell 3D= gouche BD= holy spell 3E= orhacon BE= exit spell 3F= ripper knife BF= ultima spell 40= catclaw C0= fire 41= cane C1= bolt 42= mace C2= ice 43= mithril staff C3= aero 44= were staff C4= dran 45= magic staff C5= aspl 46= power staff C6= flar 47= evil staff C7= slep 48= greed staff C8= ston 49= diamond staff C9= stop 4A= javelin CA= chrm 4B= spear CB= blnd 4C= mithril spear CC= curs 4D= trident CD= toad 4E= demon spear CE= brak 4F= flame spear CF= deth 50= ice spear D0= warp 51= bolt spear D1= bsrk 52= holy spear D2= hast 53= broad sword D3= aura 54= long sword D4= cure 55= mithril sword D5= life 56= anchient sword D6= peep 57= sleep sword D7= heal 58= winged sword D8= barr 59= blood sword D9= blnk 5A= earth sword DA= safe 5B= flame sword DB= shel 5C= ice sword DC= wall 5D= defensesword DD= dspl 5E= sun sword DE= mini 5F= excalibur DF= mute 60= masimune E0= anti 61= axe E1= fog 62= battle axe E2= slow 63= mithril axe E3= chng 64= demon axe E4= fear 65= ogre axe E5= holy 66= poison axe E6= exit 67= rune axe E7= ultm 68= bow E8= Treasure.. 69= long bow E9= Trash 6A= mithril bow EA= Exit 6B= blind bow EB= Gordon 6C= flame bow EC= Who Will 6D= ice bow ED= Princess 6E= yoichi bow EE= Dark Knig 6F= killer bow EF= Hilda 70= leather helmet F0= Emperor 71= bronze helmet F1= Wild Rose 72= mithril helmet F2= Mithril 73= giant helmet F3= Warship 74= flame helmet F4= Paramekia 75= diamond helmet F5= Airship 76= genji helmet F6= Goddess B 77= spiral helmet F7= Sun Flame 78= goldpin helmet F8= Mysidia 79= ribbon F9= Ultima 7A= cloth armor> FA= Dragoon 7B= leather armor FB= Hiryuu 7C= bronze armor FC= Whirlwind 7D= mithril armor FD= Jade 7E= gold armor FE= mask 7F= knight armor FF= Ekume ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- This file was created by; __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ || || //\\ || || //\\ || || || // || ||\ || // \\ ||\ || // \\ ||\ || ||// || || \ || // \\ || \ || // \\ || \ || ||K || || \|| //______\\ || \|| //______\\ || \|| ||\\ || || || // \\ || || // \\ || || || \\ || -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ____ ______ __ __ ______ _______ // \\ // \\ || || // \\ ||----- \\ // \\ ||\ || // \\ ||___ \\ || || || \ || || || ||--- \\ \\ // || \|| \\ // || \\ // \\ // || || \\ // || --- ------ -- -- ------ -- ____ _______ ________ ______ // \\ ||_____| |______| // \\ \\ ||___ || // \\ \\ ||___| || || || \\ || || \\ // \\ // ||_____ || \\ // --- ------- -- ------